Surviving Infidelity: Knowing the Kind of Affair

The shotgun approach or throw something against the wall to see what sticks are problem solving strategies that are problematic for facing infidelity. For one thing, time is a premium. The intensity of the pain and agony cries out to be addressed … [Continue reading]

Surviving an Affair: Healing Shifts

Surviving an affair means a person will make internal shifts in the way one thinks about him/her self and the spouse. Perspectives will change. This change may be an "aha" moment or may emerge over time. These are often life-altering shifts … [Continue reading]

Suviving the Affair: What it Takes

Surviving the affair often seems like a daunting task upon the first few days of discovery. And, it is. The affair hits below the belt and we are shocked, confused, etc. Read what these two people did to survive the affair: It has now been … [Continue reading]