Resources for Surviving Infidelity & Addiction

I periodically check with my readers to find out what resources are being used to help survive infidelity.

I share some of the comments, with hope that others might try on those resources and perhaps find help.

I have a couple responses today.

The second response is a story – a story I hear frequently from those struggling with the #2 Affair, “I Can’t Say No.” Abuse, neglect and erratic behavior often characterizes this kind of affair. And, this kind of affair is often coupled with alcoholism or other addictions. I’ve included all of her story. I know some of you can relate.

Last week I had contact with a site that offers support for additions. You might want to learn more if you face an “I Can’t Say No” affair.

>>>>>I find especially helpful reading Dr Huizenga;s emails. I go to the library and read anything and everything I can. I bought the inner core strength cd. I listen to this all the time. I love her voice and I find it easier to trust her voice then Managing stress and anxiety cd. Her nurture is what I need right now. I seem to hover in that safe place she creates for me.

>>>>>This is the main resource I have for getting helpful information along with alanon. I have a story that is still making my head spin. I believe I am the “I want to get back at him/her affair.” He walked out on me and my 2 children about 5 months ago when I started pressuring him about getting help for his alcohol problem and gave him an ultimatum to get help or leave. I never thought he would leave his family. We have been married for 25 years and been together for 30. I thought we meant everything to him. He acted like we did. We were childhood sweet hearts and he acted like he lived for his family even with his alcohol problem he seemed to keep us first. My kids have been just as shocked as me; he came and cleaned out all his clothes while we weren’t there. He met another woman a month later and carried on with her for a couple of months as far as I know it’s over, maybe, maybe not. The kids say she drinks as much as he does. He has avoided talking to me telling me anything about his life but he sure try’s to keep an eye on our life. He is very aloof. He lost his job of 11 years about 6 weeks ago and now we have no insurance nor do I have any child support. I found out that he borrowed against half the 401K the first month he was gone and after he got fired he took out the rest and tried to keep it all from me and the kids. He said he was going to give me part of it but then I found out he got a DWI and I guess he figured he needed it all for himself so he kept lying to me and said he hadn’t received it, but I knew better all he does is lie. My step Dad managed to corner him and get him to the bank to take out the last few thousand for us, while I managed to get a hold of his brief case and take all the paper work out without him knowing and I found out more than I ever wanted to know. He had another child that is almost 5 years old and being sued for support by the mother. She is half his age and worked at his place of business but is no longer there now. He found out a year ago the child was his, and been living with this and hiding it from me. I know it was eating him alive. Now I have to ask myself how many more affairs were there. He was always home with us except for a few late nights at work and long trips to the store or gas station. I do believe there had to be more than one affair. He seemed so devoted to us that it left us all in shock like someone had died. Family and friends were shocked as well. This man seemed to be crazy about his family. He told me about this affair 3 weeks after he left and said it was 4 years ago, I couldn’t figure out why he would wait this long to tell me about it. He said he was ashamed, But he never came clean about the child. I knew there was more to it. He told me that I didn’t pay any attention to him and that he didn’t feel appreciated by me. He said he thought I will show her. He said I distanced from him first. I filed for divorce 2 days ago after being apart 5 months. He has left me no choice, he is getting in trouble financially and who knows what else he is doing. He is not concerned about the children or there well being, its like he has lost his mind. Getting any information out of him sense he left is like pulling teeth. When I found out he was seeing another woman from the kids he told me that was no big deal they were mainly friends. I’m not playing that game and he knows it so he told me he’s not seeing her anymore and started trying to get closer to me and the kids until I found out about the 401K and the child. Now none of us talk to him. My kids don’t want anything to do with him either. There was one time during this whole time he humbled himself to me after he lost his job and was broke and called crying to me telling me he lost everything that had ever meant any thing to him and didn’t mean to do it and ask if he cleaned himself up was there another chance for us and I told them just clean yourself up and then we will discuss that. But he only got worse after that, he got in the accident and got the DWI. He seems cold and acts as thou he has done nothing wrong even after he knows I know about the child now. No I’m sorry, no remorse of any kind shown. He is letting us have the home and all the contents. Sometimes I wonder if my kids and I are ever going to heal from this ordeal.

Infidelity, Abuse and Boundaries

I asked my readers what resources were helpful in facing an abusive relationship. The second response below is a list of boundaries establish after reading a book on boundaries by Mary Johnson.

Two responses:

I am thankful for my friends who stuck with me over the years despite my husband’s abusive actions towards me. I was like the frog in the water where I did not notice the abuse at first but over several years, I found myself cut-off even from myself. It wasn’t until the affair and reading your mails that I realized how deep I was under and didn’t even know it.

Separate; then set specific boundaries, thus creating a bit of control from this chaos. I know this is really long, but is, thus far, working for me. Boundaries by mary johnson September 25, 2008
1. Please have my prior permission before coming onto this property for any reason; you are no longer welcome to just pop in anytime. A phone call is fine.
___ 2. When you have been invited to visit, please knock, and be invited in, before entering.
___ 3. If you wish to attend Church, you must attend a different worship service other than 9:30 a.m.
___ 4. As long as your paycheck continues to be deposited directly into our joint checking account, I agree to use the money you provide and be responsible for household expenses, including truck and loan payments, for the duration of this separation. You agree to limit your expenses to $500 per month. If your expenses exceed this amount, this may be negotiated and adjusted if you have proof of all receipts. I will anticipate $1100 left in our joint account every week.
___ 5. When you are in the presence of our children, particularly in public, you will speak and act like a man who is married to their mother. You will do whatever it takes to protect them from further embarrassment and to provide an environment in which they feel secure and unconditionally loved.
___ 6. We will both write out our personal goals for this separation and share these with each other by January 1, 2009.
___ 7. You will set a specific time period you expect or are willing for this separation to last. For myself, I need you to resolve this situation by reconciliation or divorce by April, 2009. If you feel you are ready to move back into our home before whatever date we agree upon, I am willing to consider that possibility. Let me know your anticipated time period.
___ 8. Any dates with each other during this time of separation need to be arranged in advance. If you wish to discuss our relationship during these private times, you must first ask permission to do so.
___ 9. I would ask for you to present, in writing, any decisions you make affecting the outcome of this separation before you just go ahead and make the change.
___ 10. Both of us agree to remain in counseling, at least twice per month, for at least the duration of this separation.
___ 11. I will not tolerate any violation of my privacy in any way. You will not ask the children anything about me and you will also not ask them to keep anything from me.
___ Please initial each item you agree to abide by, sign and date below.
Return one copy to me.

For more information – “Break Free From the Affair.”

Infidelity Issues Stirred by the Extramarital Affair

Consistent themes emerge as you struggle to cope with and survive infidelity.

One theme is: Why didn’t I see it coming? I Must be blind. This reader hints at that struggle:

1. I am struggling with the feelings of being a “doormat”…kicking myself for being so naive.
2. At the same time, I see myself as a morally good person.
3. I know that he is also “hurting”…..I believe that I am a better listener and care that what I say isn’t just chatter.
4. I believe that I am a stronger person. I am impressed with the effort that I have made towards healing our marriage. (I am also impressed with my husband’s untiring efforts). I am working on my self-esteem, but believe that I will survive this and become stronger.

And the most basic issue: I can’t trust. I can’t forget the lies. Another reader expresses:

After dealing with the sex issue, the impact left are the lies he told and continues to hold onto regarding the meaning of the relationship, which went on for a number of years. I feel manipulated. I don’t trust him not to lie to me or omit things. can’t stop thinking about the lies he told and whether or not I am justified because I need the truth.

I have no trust left in me for anyone. I am becoming bitter and absorbed with anger, feeling less attractive and worthy.