9 Signs of Infidelity and an Extramarital Affair

I asked my readers when they first began to suspect infidelity or an extramarital affair. Here are 9 responses to first discerning the signs of infidelity: 1. Said she loved me but was not in love with me! 2. I first noticed signs when my … [Continue reading]

Confronting the other Woman: Revenge affair

Another case study: Confronting the other woman when facing a Revenge affair. 1. What was your purpose for confronting the OP and what did you say/do? The OP had no idea my husband was married. He had told her he was divorced. He travels and … [Continue reading]

Infidelity, Fear and Thanksgiving

It's Thanksgiving time in the USA. Time to eat, be with family, eat, be with family and give thanks. Maybe this is a sad time for you. Maybe it's a confusing time for you. It's probably a painful time for you. And, where does the pain … [Continue reading]