Confronting the Other Woman: Triggers Revenge

Here's another case study on confronting the other woman, and my comments below: 1. What was your purpose for confronting the OP and what did you say/do? My husband was hours late coming home and the kids were wondering if he was ok. So I went … [Continue reading]

Infidelity, Abuse and Boundaries

I asked my readers what resources were helpful in facing an abusive relationship. The second response below is a list of boundaries establish after reading a book on boundaries by Mary Johnson. Two responses: I am thankful for my friends who … [Continue reading]

Infidelity Resources for the Abusive Relationship

Abusive relationships are dangerous. Infidelity often exacerbates that danger. It adds another explosive element. Here's the question I posed for my readers and some responses: 1. What online or offline resources have you found helpful in … [Continue reading]