Is My Marriage In Trouble

Without going into much detail, you will find a few things to help you tell that your marriage is in trouble. These are often the early indications and you should be aware of . So this article is good for you if you are searching for the truth about marriage.

I know these days it is easy to find info about how to put the passion back in your marriage most especially those that focuses on marriage communication problems but do read this right to the end.

Lack of willingness to change after marriage

There are some bad traits that we have that we often bring into our marriages that will bother someone who is not used to you I personally had and issue with TV. I would spend so much time in front of the screen, I wouldn’t even pay attention to my husband until later on the evening.

Conversations always serious and revolve around work, money and kids

This is point is self explanatory. Once you stop having those silly conversations that drew you close during the early days then you will cause your marriage to fall.

Partner that aggress with everything you say

One of the most common signs of marriage problems involves communication If you never disagree on anything – ever, then it means there is a problem somewhere.It is very rare to find someone that will agree with you all the timeThis is not to say that you should disagree with your spouse for no reason at all but just something you should be aware of

Fear to be left alone

If there are friends, family or relatives that you would rather see than being on your own that’s a sign of trouble.

Fear to invest in your marriage
If somehow you feel that putting a lot of money into the marriage is a risk, that’s also a problem.Investing includes things like buying each other gifts, going out together, going on holidays and getting help when you need it.