Healing the Marriage after Infidelity

After the discovery and resolution of infidelity, stands the task of healing the marriage.

No easy task.

If interested, I offer an e-book: Marriage Makeover.

My readers might also help you understand the implement the healing process. Here are some responses:

1. List 2-3 things you did to help you as a couple heal the wound.

A. Talked, Talked, no details, a promise to trust 110%. 2- No Lies, Always Truth no matter what pain you cause you’re partner. 3- Earn the trust back, at all costs, talk more when you feel insecure, hold each other every day, re-new the Love that brought you together, hold hands when you fall asleep !

B. Firstly, forget the affair. Secondly, and think about each other Overtime, when the anger has left, you will decide if you still want to pursue the marriage.

C. remained calm did not accuse planned every conversation (telephone call) to be positive, kind, keeping the communication going eventually she began to realize that all those terrible things she had convinced herself about me were not the true picture

D. 1) Be honest with what we feel in the moment 2) Acknowledge that what we are dealing with is in the past but needs to be dealt with now 3) Be free to feel be vulnerable again

E. Kept in touch every day, even a quick phone call from the office to say “how are you”? helps to make you feel more loved and secure We made a decision to try to forget past “memories” because lots of them had reminders of the affair, and make new memories for us as a couple.It was very difficult as 30 years of memories (good and bad) are hard to put aside.