Making Your Dreams Come True – IN SPITE OF Infidelity

…by Jeryl Swantack, the Infidelity Coach

What a beautiful article Dr. Bob wrote in the most recent issue of the Break Free newsletter! I hope you were able to read what he had to share about Susan Boyle and what she demonstrates for all of us to learn about our personal fears, disappointments and anxieties.

So many of us know now about Ms. Boyle and her completely unexpected (to everyone but her and the people closest to her) and stunning recent performance on the TV show, Britain’s Got Talent, the British equivalent of American Idol.

Ms. Boyle stunned the world with her performance of the song “I Dreamed a Dream,” from Les Miserables. The lyrics of that hauntingly beautiful song speak to our souls. They speak of heartfelt dreams that may never be and of those whose fate is yet uncertain.

Dr. Bob illumined for us how Ms. Boyle and her performance touched so many in the deep recesses of our own worst thoughts and possibly unacknowledged negative beliefs about ourselves and our own dreams.

He challenged us to listen to the lyrics of this song, to witness and feel the impact of Ms. Boyle’s performance and reflect upon the circumstances of our own lives and find the powerful, true and beautiful voice that without question lives within each one of us. He challenges us to find the song still unsung in our own hearts and have the courage to share that song with the world.

Infidelity can be the catalyst that rocks our core so deeply that it also serves to unleash beautiful aspects of ourselves that had long ago become dormant and silenced.

What we know about Ms. Boyle is that she never let go of the dream of becoming a famous singing star, in spite of a life that hardly appeared to be the path that would lead to the fulfillment of her dream.

Her path toward stardom was hardly conventional, or was it? We know that Ms. Boyle sang often, in the privacy of her own home, and in a local pub in the company of friends and well-wishing supporters. When asked about her singing in front of the mirror, she shared that she did not see just her own face reflected in that mirror, but imagined herself to be singing in front of the entire world!

Now how prophetic and creative was that image she conjured and held for herself (and all of us who would eventually hear her amazing voice!) as she sang daily in the quiet world of her home, imagining an audience that did in fact and in time become hers!

I wish to challenge you as well, to think about the song that is within you, as yet unsung, but waiting for you to step in front of the microphone (or the mirror of your creative and imaginal mind) and sing.

What within you wants to be freed and shared with the world?

Use your life circumstances to propel you steadfastly in the direction of your own dreams.

What is your unique gift that is yearning for expression? Is it a book not yet written? A film not yet made? A piece of art not yet created? Is it a business not yet launched?

The larger world is waiting for you as it has been waiting for Ms. Boyle to show up.

If you haven’t done so already, join the Break Free community and explore the as-yet-unexpressed potential within you.

Use this time in your life to become more of what you have always yearned to be, setting yourself more and more free of the circumstances of your life.

Make infidelity more than a source of pain and disappointment and USE IT to propel yourself forward into a new life that invigorates and enlivens you. You will be incredibly “attractive” as you do so, attracting into your life more and more of what you truly wish to have. Bring the relationship and life of your dreams into focus and then into reality by

Now is a great time to consider personal coaching with Dr. Bob or myself as a gift to the aspect of you that wants to emerge now out of the often emotionally confusing challenge of infidelity. Let us help you refocus your perspective and reach for the dreams waiting to be made real now in your life.