Infidelity: It’s Shock and Knee-Jerk Reactions

D-Day, the day of discovery often kicks in the first stage of shock.

It’s a new world…dramatically different new world.

Usually the shock takes one of two directions.

A person is frozen, immobilized and wants to pull the covers over him/her in the morning and fantasizes that it all goes away.

Another response is to flail, react and make knee-jerk decisions.

Neither way works of course, but are natural responses, depending on how one is wired.

My ecourse, Killer Mistakes, serves the purpose of dealing with the shock.

Here are a couple responses to the ecourse:

It helped me see the mistakes i had already made. As soon as i found out he had actually cheated on me i went and filed a divorce. More for my protection than anything. I know that we could still work things out and this is why i started to get your course. it helped me see out to work things out it a whole other way. I was pressuring him to do a lot of things that i thought would be good for our marriage( counseling, saying I love You etc.) None of them would have worked because he’s not committed to me,only himself. You brought up almost all of those things that i was doing wrong. I’m am taking your advice. I look at things in a whole other way.

When I first found out about the affair, I was completely mad. I was going through so many different emotions from one minute to the next, I didn’t know what to think or do, and started to behave very badly, and was headed down a road to self destruction. Reading the e-course helped me realize that what I was feeling was normal? (Normal for finding out about the betrayed). It made me realize that I am not alone, and that many other people are going through the same emotions. When I first started reading the material I was finding on the net, it said that this would be a time of self discovery, which at the time I thought was a load of bs. But after a few weeks and the initial shock started to wear off, I did actually start to look inside, and found out some things about myself that I did not like, and am now in the process of changing my attitude. In some aspects of my life I am now a better person, but still very much struggling with the knowledge of the affair. thanks for your help

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