Infidelity and Place of Family and Friends

In my e-course I suggest leaving family and friends out of the equation when facing infidelity.

Now, some families and friends can handle such a crisis in the marriage of someone close to them, but I believe that is rare. Side-taking and knee jerk advice to protect a person from hurt and pain is often the first response. And, this response is not helpful.

Here are 3 case studies of those recovering from infidelity:

1. How has this E-course helped you change the way you feel, think and act as you face infidelity. Give examples, if you can.

I read the part about not getting family and friends involved over and over to keep me from calling my friends and just dumping on them. I am so grateful, now, because they are not angry at him and I am able to re-establish his ties with friends and relatives now that he’s ready to come back into the circle. I also put all my books away and stopped asking him to understand how I “feel” and expecting him to read things that explained affairs and how they damaged marriages.

the first time I subscribed to the E-course I could not take in much of the information. I believe I was too traumatized. I actually had “monkey chatter” or “white noise” in my brain. It was extremely painful. Now, many months later, I re subscribed for the E-course, and it was like seeing the info for the first time. I wish, wish, wish, I could have had some get right in my face a full year ago, and tell me the info in this course… and I wish wish wish, I could have heard it. I do not know if my marriage would be saved or not. But now… I feel I am at the nearly too late point, with a husband who is only considering divorce, divorce, divorce. I feel hurt by his actions. And yet, I know it is not me. FINALLY I understand this, thanks in part to your work, and the fine people on the infidelity chat board you host.

It help keep my marriage together.Especially the part not to get family and friends involved No one knows except my brother and he found out six months after I did.No one else and I am so thankful..your site and book saved me.It was the best book that I could relate to and the best part was when it is not my fault but issues my spouse had and was going through.

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