Infidelity Q&A #18: Do I REALLY Want to be Married to Him/Her?

This is a question that you should and must ask.

As a matter of fact, it is the question that you should ask before you consider any
kind of an intervention or employing a stragegy.

If you don’t ask this question, your interaction with the cheating spouse will be
perceived as either manipulation, coercion, or extreme neediness. And that’s very

First, ask yourself, “Do I truly want to be married to him or her?”

Most people say, “Sure, I want to.” But hold on, not so fast.

Let’s look at some of the underlying issues that this question may bring up for you,
that will stimulate your thinking, and help begin looking at vital issues in terms
of managing you and the affair.

Let me pose these questions.

Do you really, truly want to be married to him or her, or are the feelings of hurt
and pain so intense that you just want them to go away?

Do you really want to be married to him or her? Do you really, truly want to save
the marriage, or do you long for how it used to be? Is that more important to you?
Do you long for the memories that you have, and hope that those can be somehow

Do you truly want to save the marriage; do you truly want to be married to him or
her? Or do you feel like a failure, and are embarrassed, and by saving the marriage
or being with him or her, you hope to reclaim your lost ego and pride?

Do you truly want to be married to him or her, or do you miss the old roles? Now the
marriage is in chaos; there’s confusion. Do you miss the stability and the old roles
that seemed to fit very well?

Do you truly want to be married to him or her, or do you want vindication against
the other person? Do you feel like you’re competing, and must be married so you can
prove to the other person that you’re better than he or she?

And do you truly want to be married, or do you hope that this will just get over so
that you can end the pain that you feel?

You must examine look the underlying issues.

Then you will be ready to effectively, and with power, confront yourself and
confront the relationship and work toward healing and reconciliation if that’s
truly what you want.

Infidelity Q&A #17: How Much Do I Tolerate and for How Long?

This question often is pondered when someone is thinking, “Should I stay, or should
I go? Should I remain in this relationship, or should I exit?”

“What am I tolerating; what am I putting up with, and how long do I put up with
that?” is also considered when one thinks about reconciling with a cheating husband
or a cheating wife.

“If we get back together, if we have a workable relationship, what again am I going
to tolerate or put up with? And for how long?”

These are very, very important questions.

Most of us tolerate way, way, way too much.

Most of us are fearful of taking a stand. Most of us are fearful of drawing a line,
fearful of what might happen if we draw a line.

But when we do draw a line, or when we do take a stand, other people, in my
experience, respect that and admire that, and wish they were like that.

So how much do we tolerate? How long do we tolerate it? And how can we move out of
tolerating too much or putting up with too much?

Here’s an exercise that will get you on the road of learning how to get rid of the
tolerations in your life, live a freer life, and make you much, much more

Get a piece of paper and pencil.

Make a list of the top 10 things that you are tolerating at home, in your
environment or at work. What are the top 10 things that you are tolerating in your
home, or at work, or in your environment?

Just write quickly, those things that you think about when you think about what
you’re putting up with in that environment.

Second, make a list of the top 10 things that you are tolerating or putting up with
in terms of yourself: I’m too passive. I’m too angry. I’m too aggressive. I’m too
depressed. I weigh too much. My hair isn’t right.

What is it that you’re tolerating or putting up with in terms of yourself?

Third, take another piece of paper and write down the top 10 things that you’re
tolerating in your relationship.

I’m tolerating a rollercoaster relationship. I’m tolerating a boring relationship.
I’m tolerating an angry relationship. I’m tolerating and putting up with a
relationship in which there’s a lot of distance. I’m putting up with a relationship
in which there’s no sex.

Make a list of the top 10 things that you’re tolerating or putting up with in your

Fourth, make a list of the top 10 things that you’re putting up with or tolerating
with him/her.

What does s/he say, or s/he do that I must tolerate?

List the top 10 things, and then begin working toward ridding those tolerations. Go
back to the first list; it’s probably easier there to begin eliminating some of
those tolerations.

Once you eliminate the toleration, notice how you feel.

Notice what happens in your environment.

Begin at list one, go to list two, list three, and list four, and begin the process
of putting up and tolerating less; taking a stand and making yourself more

Then see what happens in your relationships and see where your decision making
process takes you.

Infidelity Q&A #16: What Is My Strategy?

After you calm and center yourself it’s time to explore the different types of

Knowing the types of affairs enable you to become familiar with the dynamics of the
relationship with your cheating husband or your cheating wife.

Different strategies exist for a particular kind of affair.

You may be looking at more than one type of affair, but choose the affair that seems
most fitting for your particular relationship.

Choose a strategy and begin experimenting.

Take small steps. Don’t throw out everything at once, but take very small steps and
wait for the response.

When you get feedback, take another step.

For example, let’s look at the affair, “I Want to Get Back at Him or Her.”

This affair usually exhibits a simmering resentment and anger that sometimes moves
to rage.

In that type of affair an often effective strategy is to make his or her anger right.

Now it may seem rather weird to make his or her resentment or anger right, but that
strategy is important for that type of affair.

The strategy helps him or her move through the resentment and/or rage and influences
the direction of the adultery or the affair.

Let’s look at “My Marriage Made Me Do It.”

In “My Marriage Made Me Do It” there’s also anger, but it’s a different type of anger.

Backing off is a recommended strategy.

In backing off you refuse to become the victim. You refuse to be the recipient of
his or her blame.

And then you make comments — or meta comments as I call them — about the situation
or about the relationship.

Break Free From the Affair gives examples of meta comments you can use. You can
modify the statements to fit your style or create you own.

Let’s look at another kind of affair, “I Want To Be Close To Someone, But Can’t
Stand Intimacy.”

In a stagnant marriage or relationship, the cheating partner will triangle in a
third party to balance the issue of distance and intimacy.

I recommend a strategy in this particular kind of affair is called “Leaping Your
Partner,” in which you break through the stagnation and the impasse between this
distance and intimacy wall by personally and professionally taking your own leap of

This often is highly disturbing to the cheating spouse and disturbs the relationship
and offers hope for reconciliation and growth.

The key is experimentation. Choose and experiment with different kinds of strategies
related to the kind of affair that faces you.