Marital Affair Question: Is Sex OK?

The aftermath of the discovery of infidelity in a marriage leads, obviously, to heightened feelings and tension. Somewhat surprising to some is the fact that sexual desire and enthusiasm is intensified. A writer asked me:

Should continue to have sex with my husband? (who is having an affair)

Here’s my short, off-the-cuff response:

Often the sexual tension (and desire) is ramped up a notch (sometimes more than that) with the discovery of the affair. Sex often becomes passionate and intense. It is OK? I don’t see any harm in it if it is enjoyable for both. However, take some time to reflect upon what it means to be engaged in the activity. What does it mean for you? What are you getting? And, if possible, talk to your spouse, “I wonder what it means that our passion is ramped up and yet there is this third party?” Sex is the “window to our soul” and reflects some of our deepest needs and concerns.

Infidelity Discovered: Where do you fit?

Bumping into infidelity is often like being run over by a truck, or tank or anything that is huge and overwhelming.

At least, that is what most people say who visit this site and my other main site: Break Free From the Affair.

I did a poll recently showing what feeling most experience once they encounter the infidelity in their marriage or relationship.

This is a progressive scale, i.e. as healing takes place one moves “down” the ladder, so to speak, with increasing comfort and better feelings and thoughts at each level.

Here’s the question I asked:

Upon the discovery of your spouses/partners infidelity, where did you predominately enter on the 8 paths scale?

>>Depression, Victimization, Frozen, Fear -51.7%

>>Guilt, Responsibility, Self Blame – 6.9%

>>Jealousy, Rage, Anger, Resentment – 32.8%

>>Worry, Doubt, Confusion – 5.2%

>>Overwhelm, Impatience, Frustration – 3.4%

>>Acceptance, Patience, Boredom – 0%

>>Hopeful, Optimistic, Positive Thoughts – 0%

>>Happy, Eager, Joy – 0%

The Affair – An Opportunity of a Lifetime

Whether you are in an affair, or have learned that your spouse or partner is or was in one, whether you know it or not, you have just been presented with a great gift. How can an affair, with all its confusing and painful attending thoughts and emotions, be a great gift?

An affair is often a trigger, a catalyst, for some of the most meaningful personal growth, change and expansion you will experience in your life because it creates an opportunity for you to look within and ask yourself some important questions. Questions like:

*How did I get here (in whatever role you play in the triangle of the affair)?

*What is it I am really looking for? Is this affair going to get me there? How?

*What is the cost to me of not changing? To those around me?

*Who am I really? What is that motivates me? What is behind my choices?

*Why am I here, right now, in this moment, and beyond this

*What is that I hold nearest and dearest to my heart, and soul?

*How can I be more of that?

It is through the asking of these deep questions that we discover some of the most profound truths about who we are and why we are showing up in our relationships the way we are. These truths then lead us to a life that has the opportunity for more and more unbounded joy, satisfaction and love. That is something I call a great gift!

If you want to explore some of these questions, and others, contact Jeryl and schedule some personal coaching sessions. She will help you dive into these questions and discover some really cool stuff about you and what you really want! Jeryl specializes in coaching and guiding those of you who want to make deep, personal and lasting changes in your life by asking and finding answers to the questions that touch our innermost being.

Give yourself the great gift contained in the affair and launch yourself into a new life, one rich with adventure, experience and personal enlightenment.