Internet Infidelity Online

Internet infidelity is rampant. Many of my coaching clients must deal with this form of infidelity… and it’s a tough one.

One of my online colleagues at specializes in this area. She has graciously offered to be a guest blogger.

Here is what she has to say:

There are many factors to determine exactly if you are facing internet infidelity. Ask yourself these questions:

Are you are a committed relationship even though you are not legally married and your partner is chatting on the net to the opposite sex?

Are you married and your spouse is on the net?

Have they purchased a cam for chats on the internet?

Does your spouse communicate with some one of the opposite sex? They may just say they are helping some one with a problem. Yes thats a big problem!

Is your spouse or committed partner talking to old flames or even former schoolmates?

If you have answered yes to any of these questions I want you to seriously know your relationship is at risk. Your spouse or partner will lie, lie and deny any of the contributing factors. They will try to make you believe they are just friends or its your imagination. I’ve seen relationships not address the situation and fall apart given time. Do you know why? You let the situation slide and it becomes more emotional for your partner to break free of the internet infidelity connection.

I urge you to address these issues immediately.

In over a decade working with people in situations like yours I know exactly what you need to know to break through the confusion and paranoia. In the end, a harmless cyber-fling spells double trouble as a spouse may leave a once long term and stable marriage because of someone they just met over the internet. The partner in a new committed relationship may even be posting their photos or profiles on dating or swinging sites. They may tell you its all in the past but is it? has much information about infidelity resources. My ebook gives practical, indepth and proven methods used effectively for thousands of victims such as yourself. To deal with the problem of internet infidelity you need to have a total comprehension about the impacts of what is occurring with your partner or spouse. Don’t put this off another indecisive confusing day – be absolutely certain. Don’t be a victim — be a survivor.

For more info, visit my web site today:

The Stress Of Divorce

Facing the infidelity in a marriage generates am inordinate amount of stress and tension. Add to that the movement toward separation and divorce and you have a window of a months in which one's ability to manage and deal with that tension is challenged. In this article Tracy talks about the importance of managing that stress and tension. She gives 6 important reminders and keys to keep yourself sane and headed to where you really want to go.

Protecting Your Credit During Divorce

This is another post in the series on how to move effectively through the divorce process once it is apparent the marriage is ended as a result of the infidelity or extramarital affair. In this article Tracy looks at the issue of your credit standing. She also examines the different types of financial accounts that may be shared or controlled by the spouse, and what you must do to protect yourself and manage those accounts. Tracy also discusses the need to establish a personal credit history.