Infidelity and the Truth: Not in the Emotional Affair

Do you believe that if you confront the other woman, she will tell you the truth? Hardly, since an affair is built upon deception. The emotional energy demanded by this type of affair can be intense. Read this case study and my … [Continue reading]

Infidelity Impact: How to Cope with the Affair

How does infidelity change one's life? What is it's impact? Read what these two readers say. If you've been there you might understand. If you haven't been there it will help you understand the impact of infidelity: I spend a lot of time thinking … [Continue reading]

Healing the Marriage After Infidelity

What does it take to heal a marriage after infidelity? Usually it's more than healing - it's a matter of redesigning a relationship. Here are what some couples do and find helpful in healing the wound: Do things to make you feel good about … [Continue reading]