The Chat room has proven invaluable to a number of those wandering through the confusion and pain of infidelity. Here are what a few say about wanting a Chat Room: My husband has commented that he has "nobody to talk to" as he goes through … [Continue reading]
Infidelity: Character Wins
December 15, 2008 by Leave a Comment
When infidelity occurs character wins - in the long run. Here's a case study of confronting the other woman in which the character of the other woman emerges. 1. What was your purpose for confronting the OP and what did you say/do? I wanted … [Continue reading]
Healing the Marriage after Infidelity
December 14, 2008 by 1 Comment
After the discovery and resolution of infidelity, stands the task of healing the marriage. No easy task. If interested, I offer an e-book: Marriage Makeover. My readers might also help you understand the implement the healing process. Here … [Continue reading]