The Powerful Impact of Infidelity

If you just discovered your spouse is cheating and having an affair, feel totally devastated, yet think you shouldn't feel that way... think again. Read these comments from folks struggling with the impact of infidelity: 1. List 3 or 4 … [Continue reading]

Healing from The Extramarital Affair

Where does the problem lie when one has an extramarital affair? It is extremely common for the "wounded spouse" to question his/her adequacy and engage in a myriad of what ifs... what if I did this.. or that. Part of the healing from an … [Continue reading]

The Final Infidelity: Knowing When it’s Over

The infidelity or blatant flaunting of the infidelity may be a marker that the marriage is over. The act of infidelity or an affair is an act of disrespect, for self, for family and for spouse. It truly is a poor choice in attempting to meet … [Continue reading]