Infidelity Recovery: Anticipating the Dips

Once you begin to learn about infidelity, stand back and observe the patterns, you can brace yourself for the ride. More than that, as you anticipate the dips and loops of the ride you find yourself prepared and they lose their frightening … [Continue reading]

Infidelity and Dealing with Abuse

Abuse, specifically verbal/mental and sometimes physical, can characterize the "I Can't Say No" affair. The type of affair is often bound by addictions and the greater the pull of the addiction, the more intense and frequent the abuse. The … [Continue reading]

Breaking Free From the Affair

What does it take to break free from the affair? What does it take to get to the point of influencing the direction of the affair, without "trying?" Here are some comments from those on the journey who responded to my request to give their review … [Continue reading]