Surviving infidelity: The Empathy Challenged Cheating Spouse

I receive emails daily from spouses whose partner is cheating and having an affair. A Common complaint is, bottom line, they don't seem to care or they just don get it (me.) This, I observe is the result of being with a partner who who lacks … [Continue reading]

Infidelity Dilemma: Why Doesn’t He Leave?

Love has not much to do with infidelity or extramarital affairs. Infidelity and affairs have much to do with powerful personal needs over which the cheating spouse seemingly has little awareness or control. So, a common theme for the cheating … [Continue reading]

Marital Infidelity and It’s Pain: You are not Alone

I hear over and over again of the pain one slams into when confronted with infidelity. And, if that isn't enough, most think either in the front of their mind or in the back, that something is wrong with them. They shouldn't be feeling the agony … [Continue reading]