Consistent themes emerge as you struggle to cope with and survive infidelity. One theme is: Why didn't I see it coming? I Must be blind. This reader hints at that struggle: 1. I am struggling with the feelings of being a "doormat"...kicking … [Continue reading]
Infidelity: Clarity and Words
October 26, 2008 by Leave a Comment
Infidelity: Getting clarity and Words What is most helpful in moving through the pain and infidelity. Two words come to mind: clarity and Words. Once one begins to see the patterns and begins to make distinctions between different actions of … [Continue reading]
The Impact of an Affair
October 25, 2008 by 2 Comments
An affair dramatically alters one's world. Thoughts, feelings, expectations and the issue of trust become paramount. Read what some describe as the changes the affair has made in their life: 1. Preoccupation with comparing myself with others. … [Continue reading]