This blog continues my series on confronting the other woman (or man.) In confronting the other woman you may discover a reservoir of strength you never thought you had. Case Study: 1. What was your purpose for confronting the OP and what … [Continue reading]
Confronting the Other Man: Finding Truth of Infidelity
November 21, 2008 by Leave a Comment
If you are searching for the truth, consider going directly to the other person. Weigh this carefully. Determine the type of affair you are probably facing. (Confrontation might be damaging and less effective for particular types of affairs, … [Continue reading]
Infidelity, Sexual Addiction and Denial
November 20, 2008 by 1 Comment
Denial or refusal to face the truth is a strong characteristic of the "I Can't Say No" type of affair. Over time one sees that the denial becomes stronger and the acting out behavior becomes more frequent with more dire consequences (that, again, … [Continue reading]