Archives for February 2010

Infidelity Statistics & Tidbits: Truth About Deception

We all know how secretive infidelity can be, so it is difficult for anyone to accurately measure the impact infidelity really has on our society. Nevertheless, the information I’ve found from doing research over the years is mind blowing. The astounding statistics and other information available on the internet regarding infidelity, extramarital affairs and cheating spouses should help you to realize that you truly are not alone.

Check out these statistics and infidelity trends at Truth About Deception, and know that you are not alone.

Infidelity and the Stupid Things People Say and Do

Here is another guest blog post from a couple who experienced the pain and agony of an emotional affair first hand. Doug and Linda, husband and wife, survived Doug’s affair with a co-worker after 25 years of marriage. It has been a long road for Doug and Linda, and they continue to mend their relationship and work on their marriage daily. They have real-life, hard-hitting advice to give based on their own personal experience.

Today’s blog is somewhat humorous in nature (depending on how you look at it). See Doug’s infidelity from Linda’s perspective as she looks back on his statements and actions in the midst of his emotional affair.

Check out Linda’s post at

Infidelity Video: Being “Prepared” When Confronting the Other Person

As you read yesterday, I am developing a new system for organizing my blog posts. Each day of the week, I will post a different type of blog. If you read yesterday’s blog, you know that Mondays will be dedicated to Q&A with Dr. Huizenga.

To mix it up, on Tuesday’s I will be focusing on infidelity videos from various sources. Most will be humorous, some will be serious, some will be informational.

Today’s video is strictly humor, and in no way advice from me.

Following is a clothing commercial about how to be prepared when confronting the other person. To summarize the video, if you are going to pour a drink on the OP (which I strongly advise against), make sure you layer your clothing. Enjoy, and remember to laugh a little…