Surviving infidelity: The Healing Journey

Those who have endured, survived infidelity and embarked upon the healing journey have much to share.

Here is a response from one of our readers:

1. What kind of affair faced you?

My husband had a three year affair with a woman fifteen years our junior, he said it wasn’t anything to do with sex it was an emotional affair, which I really think is the worse kind of affair as they are emotionally involved with someone else.

2. What are 2-3 resources that helped you survive and cope with the infidelity?

Prayer, your ‘Break Free From an Affair’ and my family.

3. Describe 2-3 break-through moments or events that helped you see the affair from a different perspective, provided healing or helped make a decision?

My husband would not sign the divorce papers. he asked me to forgive him and give him another chance. After reading your I changed my tactics and realized that I was torturing myself by blaming myself and realized that I am responsible for my own happiness.

4. What have you learned about yourself as a result of the infidelity?

I am a very strong person now, I am not jealous at all, I am very happy with the way things are at the moment and all the advice I received has helped me to be calm in any situation, I think my husband realized that there was a life after him.