Confronting the OP in an Affair: Watch for set-up

Continuing my research and series on Confronting the Other Person.

1. What was your purpose for confronting the OP and what did you say/do?

I was asked to by my partner she thought I would understand the affair better

2. What happened? What was the outcome?

I met the other lady we both agreed to give my partner space to figure out what she wanted. She left the meeting and went straight to her while I held back. She then said it proved she loved her more because she came right to her.

3. If you were to do it again, would you do it differently? What did you learn?

I would not have gotten it involved it only gave me a face to my put with my thoughts. I learned I should just continue to work with on me instead of getting or creating more drama

Coach’s comment:

Here’s a good example where it’s important to dig.

What might be the motives for such a request?

Ask questions: “What do you want to me understand about your relationship? And further, what other things, SPECIFICALLY do you want me to understand?

List 3 or 4 parts of that relationship you want me to understand. And, if I would understand what you want me to understand, what would be the outcome?”

Also, be aware of the “vibes” you get in asking such questions. Is there an openness? Do you feel a set-up coming? Honor your intuition.

Infidelity: Confronting the Other Person

We are researching questions related to confronting the other person. Should you? When? Under what conditions? Those sort of questions. I’ve asked for input from my readers with 3 specific questions.

Here are the answers to the three questions, in which this person found the confrontation very helpful to bring about closure. My comments follow:

1. What was your purpose for confronting the OP and what did you say/do?

To bring closure for me and in a way i had hoped that she would reply with remorse and apologies. I e-mailed her as it made it less personal. I let my husband read the letter before i sent it and we both agreed for it to be sent.

2. What happened? What was the outcome?

She was incredibly sorry and apologetic. I got the feeling that she meant everything she said and her words and apologies were very heart-felt.

3. If you were to do it again, would you do it differently? What did you learn?

I would do it just the same. For me the outcome was very conclusive. There were absolutely no harsh words from iether of us and in a strange way i felt an amazing connection with her after our correspondence.

Coach’s comment: I would guess this would be an “I Need to Prove my Desirability” affair or perhaps, “I Want to be Close to Someone…but can’t stand intimacy. Note the lack of drama. Or perhaps there was drama, but all parties were able to stand back, make some shifts and growth and moved through their neediness. What do you think? Also note the mutual agreement by both spouses to send the letter. Sounds like they were both on the same page – which takes away much of the game playing.

Learn how to Break Free From the Affair.

Marital Infidelity: Do You Know Who You Are?

Do you know who you are?

Do you know who you are who visit my sites, signs up for my E-course and purchases my products?

Well, I’ve met thousands of you over the past 5 online years and over a million have visited my sites.

So I know a little bit about you. Here’s what I know:

1. You are basically healthy people who’ve had some mud slung your way and you are trying to clean it off so you can see clearly and move ahead with integrity.

2. You are healthy because you want to confront this mess of infidelity. You want to learn. You want to know more. You are curious. You want to learn what to say and do differently so you have more options and therefore more personal power.

You want to do your homework, soak in all the new information. That’s why you visit my sites, right?

3. You want to shift away from your pain which may at first be the focal point of your life. You don’t want to wallow. You want to quell the negative thoughts and feelings. YOU are NOT willing to settle for this.

4. You care deeply for others. You feel their pain. You empathize. I hear marvelous stories about the compassion expressed in our chatroom. Do you know that members of the chat room over the years have met face to face in such places as Phoenix, The Quad Cites, Illinois and other places? You want to love others and you are basically not afraid to extend yourself in friendship.

5. You want to contribute. You want to give. You know there is more to life than merely yourself or even your relationship racked with infidelity. You know, at some profound level, that your life has a purpose and you want to find it and live it.

I am blessed with your presence and the opportunity to know all of you at different levels.