There are turning points in infidelity. shifts do happen!
Here are some comments from a couple folks who share with you their turning points:
It has been three years since my husband’s affair. Looking back, I can see that we have come a long way from then. However, the pain is still very real. My discovery in the beginning of the different types of affairs really was important to me so that I could have understanding into why anyone would be able to go outside the marriage. It helped me to separate his responsibility from my own. Another turning point recently has been that I realize that we alone are responsible for healing our own pains. I tend to care more for his feelings and pains and tend to give until I’m empty. Learning to set boundaries on my own limitations so I can experience life through my own eyes and my own experiences has given me a new outlook and hope for the future. Although I live most of my life in the middle, I still have moments of highs and lows. It’s tough, but I hope one day all this endurance of pain will pay off in some way or another.
The turning point was when I finally decided that I could go it alone. The affair ended and we have pretty much repaired that part of our marriage. The hurt was very deep, but I don’t dwell on it the way I used to. But knowing that I was worth something on my own helped. The site helped me to gain perspective and just a place to go when things were insane.
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