Do you want to confirm that your spouse is cheating, or possibly contact the other person? If this is the path you chose to take, the following video might be of use to you.
to Survive and Cope with Infidelity and Extramarital Affairs
Do you want to confirm that your spouse is cheating, or possibly contact the other person? If this is the path you chose to take, the following video might be of use to you.
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Hi – I am at the point that I am going to purchase a gps vehicle tracking system. I would have preferred to use a phone spyware program but you must have access to the phone to use that. Its not so much about what’s happened in the past -I have been/am willing to move past that as long as it has stopped. Due to his work situation it is very easy for him to continue this behavior without my detection- I believe that it went on for a long time and very great possibility of sexual addiction. Also he has many narcissistic behaviors and I am co – depndt nar as well. Any way I feel I must do this so I know where I stand-our kids are in early 20’s and while it can and does affect them this decisio. Is about me I must know if he continues to lie and really has a secret life – my gut is screaming at me- so I have to do it otherwise it will all be another life I the throws of a fsntasy bond and dammit I DESERVE TO BE TRULY LOVED! THX FOR LISTENING