Coping with Infidelity: Healing From the Pain

Infidelity creates a different world and a different perspective. It forever alters one’s life. One scrapes the bottom of the negative feelings and thoughts, encounters the worst of one’s self.

At that point decisions are made (mostly unconscious, I believe) that move the person toward health. There is ALWAYS an internal part of each of us that works for our health the well-being.

Coping with infidelity is a matter of embracing that part.

Here are three comments from readers that describe where they started with infidelity.

“The affair made me very mad and disgusted because this is not who I thought he was or that he could do this after 22 years of marriage. After reading your book, I now focus on what I need realizing that I am not to blame. My communication has changed, emotions are under control and I have a life to live. I stopped thinking about how to fix this and work on the new normal which is, working on me.”

“1)I use to have a feeling of complete security. That as long as he was alive, he would be there for me if I had a time of need. That secure feeling is gone. Life seems more risky. I now know there might not be a safety net. 2) I don’t feel completely committed anymore. I have one eye out for assuring that our joint decisions don’t have negative repercussions for me if we aren’t together until death do us part. 3) I miss the unconditional love feeling I used to have for him. However, to protect myself from ever hurting that badly again, a part of me is staying a little reserved. I love him, but I’m holding a little back so that if he hurts me again, it won’t be quite as painful.”

“— IMPACT — * FEEL INFERIOR, LESS OF A MAN, BEATEN, A FOOL. * USED * BETRAYED * SAD — CHANGE — * NO FAITH IN MARRIAGE OR WOMEN * BROKEN HEART (X3) THAT MAY NEVER HEAL * NO TRUST FOR MY WIFE — SPENDING TIME — * EXERCISE/WEIGHT LIFTING/TAKING CARE OF MYSELF * CONSTANT SURVEILLANCE; CELL PHONE BILLS/COMPUTER * PONDERING LIFE WITH A REAL COMPANION. This is the third time I have been cheated on. My current wife an I are still together but it is not the same. She wants me to forgive her. She has no idea what this has done to me. I am a good looking and successful man, yet she had a fling anyway with another married man at the urging of whom were once her friends. She is not capable of taking care of herself. In fact she was fired for lack of performance and “misuse” of the internet at work. This was most likely the e-mails she was exchanging with the other man. Her former employer liked me very much, however, they had their reasons to fire her. She is now a house wife now. I feel she is waiting for Mr.Wonderful ($) to come along a rescue her. In the meantime I have developed a insecurity problem and am trying to deal with this the best I can. I think she really does love me but she does this because she can’t help it. Time will tell. I don’t think I have control of this one.”

Coping with Infidelity When It’s Not Going Well

What happens if the cheating spouse has seemingly no intentions of admitting the affair, is not remorseful, and fails for move off course of his/her destructive path?

How do you maintain yourself, keep your focus and keep the life of your family intact when this happens?

And, please remember, once we discover infidelity we tend to be hopeful that it will soon end and the marriage be restored. This does not always happen.

Here are some responses from my readers. Note I use the words “charging neutral” to describe a skill needed to intervene with the spouse and maintain ones’ equilibrium.

Reader #1:

1. What goals have you set for yourself and what got the best results to help you feel better and charge more neutral?

My goal is to close the gap in the broken circle that was once my family. i thought i needed my “husband” to make my circle complete but i am learning to close it myself. i have realized that the only person i can really count on is myself ( and my parents of course). i have focused on healing my children and i am getting a part time job.

2. Jot down a turning point between you and your partner that helped the two of you move in a positive direction. Tell the story, if you would.

Reader #2:

The turning point is me accepting the fact that he will never show “remorse” or take responsibility for his actions. this way i can dictate the provisions of his visitation with my children and state my financial needs and not feel greedy. i just decided that i have not had what i have needed or wanted for so long that it is now time for me. i have also realized that even though i am lonely, everything good i do will lead to something else.

He has made himself out to be the victim, even though he is the one who betrayed me and my family. It is infuriating to know that he has justified everything, and rationalized his behavior, to absolve his own guilt. For the sake of his adult children, I have asked him to face the truth, but he will not. … You asked for goals. My goal is to restore the relationship, which seems impossible at this point. For myself, I exercise regularly and that has been a great way to keep my stress under control and help me get the sleep I need. I pray daily and this helps keep me focused on my inner peace, knowing that I must rely on God for my strength and for guidance in making wise decisions. It is still very difficult to be around him because of his attitude, so mostly I avoid it. This gives few opportunities to “charge neutral.” Recently, I told him I will not tolerate the disrespectful way he treats me. He immediately said he does not disrespect me. I listed several actions that I find disrespectful. Since then he has stopped doing some of those things.

Reader #3:

1. What goals have you set for yourself and what got the best results to help you feel better and charge more neutral?

In my situation, I have tried to learn the lessons and take positive advice away from this. I am on a quest for spiritual growth and want to improve form the inside. I am not hiding form new relationship, but I want to be able to look at them and know for sure what I am getting into.

2. Jot down a turning point between you and your partner that helped the two of you move in a positive direction. Tell the story, if you would.

My wife of 15 years (53 years old) is deep into a mid life crisis. She has turned 18 all over. She ran off with a guy who does not even have a job, is an alcoholic, does drugs, and who knows what else. I tried for a year to work with her but to no avail. After reading Break Free and learning about the type of affair I was dealing with (my marriage made me do it) I came to the realization that Dr. Huizena’s advice about taking care of your self and improving your own life is the best way to handle all this mess. I had to laugh at myself when I read about the 12 things you should not do. I did them all. And I was feeling terrible about myself. I kept looking for the mistakes I had made that caused my marriage to fail. After reading the book, I started working on me. I am in counseling and am working on why I am the way I am. I probably will never see my ex wife again. I really do not care at this point. I am getting to the place that I feel good about me. I am pursuing my personal goals, have changed jobs (more money) and am just improving my life in all areas. Once I started working on me I realized that the affair issues were hers and not mine. She is living the life she created and I am much better off without her. Make no mistake it took a long time to see this and get to this point. I still have a ways to go. My ex has refused to acknowledge her role in all this and blames the marriage or me for our failure. What a load of horse hockey. The more I see her for what she is, the easier for me to move into a positive direction. Come to the point of knowing that it is not your fault and you did not do anything wrong to make your spouse have an affair. Look to your spiritual beliefs to help you move forward. I did. Take care of your self.

The Power of Infidelity

Even after hearing about the impact of infidelity from literally thousands of people, I still continue to be amazed at the power of infidelity to stir up pain, fear, humiliation and more.

I asked my readers about the impact of infidelity on their lives. Where they begin from at the moment of discovery. Here are some comments:

I constantly think about the affair. I can’t shake the thoughts. I find myself thinking alot more and trying to analyze the whole situation. My time is spent mostly working or sitting staring off into space thinking and trying to deal with it the best way I know how. I have a lower self esteem because of the affair, as I feel that I am not good enough for him any more, and that he is in search of something better. I have many feelings that I never had before, such as, hatred, and jealousy to name just a couple. I have a lot of hate for the other woman, so much so, that it scares me! I love my husband very much, but I hate what he did to us!!!

At first, it made me think that I was not good enough for my husband of 19 years. However, I have realized that I deserve better than what he has given me. I now think that what I once thought was safe and sacred is always going to be at risk now. I constantly worry if it will happen again. Now I spend my time concentrating on my boys and myself. I don’t have time or energy to dissect all of his moods and actions. So, I try to move on and do the best I can with what is left of my dignity.

I do not trust anyone now. I look for the lie no matter who is doing the talking, I question everything. I pay better attention to detail. Always on the lookout, not sure what I am looking for just always looking. And waiting for an answer a clie like you said I have tried it all over the last 4 years. Have been divorced for 2 years but we are still in limbo for some reason. The Lies have changed me! I try to spend my time for me but he always creeps into whateber I do. Where he is What hes doing …. I stay home alot never use to. Lost most of my friends and family over his affair. It just doesn’t stop.

I no longer believe in anything that I once did including God. I feel fat, dumpy, old and without any hope of change. No matter what I have done, i.e.lose weight, work out, more open, he continues to see her and to lie about it. I feel betrayed and devastated by his choice to have an affair rather than talk about his issues with our marriage.

I think about his history with me and how I can probably never trust him I am doing positive things for myself -losing weight, having my hair done more, nails done, personal improvements. I am not quiting my job I am spending less time with others and devoting more time to us time I was doing more for him but he did not respond by doing more for me, so I’ve stopped we have plans to re new our vows in several weeks but I am not sure he is really into it as I am, but he is going to do it he won’t tell me anymore about the other person except that it is over & I should not worry I could go on.