We Are Susan Boyle

Susan Boyle is the dowdy, frizzy haired, overweight, single, never-been-kissed, unemployed 47 year old woman who lives with her cat, Pebbles, and appeared on Britains Talent Show (similar to American Idol.)

She took the show and audience by storm. And, now she (her performance) has the world writing, reading and viewing this extraordinary event beyond belief.

If you haven’t seen the video (viewed by over 80,000,000 at this point) see it now. Try one of these links: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxPZh4AnWyk, http://www.youtube.com/user/BritainsSoTalented or http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9lp0IWv8QZY

I spent at least 3 hours Sunday playing the video over and over and over. It brought a veritable flood of feelings and thoughts that I could not let go. I was mesmerized.

What’s the appeal? What’s the power?

Much has been written on the power of her performance and I too, want to share my thoughts?

So, who is Susan Boyle?

You look at Susan Boyle and you see yourself. You don’t want to admit it, but you see yourself. There is this self in the hidden recesses of the greater you that you avoid. You look at Susan and see that part of you that is unattractive and dowdy. You see the part that feels isolated, that feels alone and unconnected, that part that long ago had a dream but that dream shattered by the perceived reality of your world. You see that dufuss.

And you see that part most powerfully when you are in crisis, when you face loss, when your worth and essence is called into question when you face failure and when you live the life flattened by the shattered dream. There she is… that dufuss.

And so, the audience looked at Susan and in their latent anxiety began to roll their eyes, ridicule, mock and deride Susan for her seeming dowdiness. What a dufuss! Simon rolls his eyes. Amanda, “What’s THIS?” Piers laughs. (The panel of judges.)

And then Susan begins to sing… and her voice emerges. This is the “real” Susan. This is the part of her that for so long wanted to be expressed, wanted to emerge. Her dream speaks! Beautiful! Powerful! The heart and soul of Susan in all her inner boldness and confidence stands before us.

The anxiety bound ridicule of the audience is transformed to cheers and applause as Susan begins to sing, “I dreamed a dream in time gone by When hope was high And life worth living,” She sings her dream. (Yes, maybe for me too, there is that inner core of strength and beauty that wants to sing with notes of clarity and perfection. I too remember that dream in time gone by.)

The camera shifts to Piers who swallows that lump when he hears “Then I was young and unafraid, And dreams were made and used and wasted.”

And Susan ends:

I had a dream my life would be
So different from this hell I’m living
So different now from what it seemed
Now life has killed the dream I dreamed.

This is all of us. This is all of us, especially as life around us seemingly recedes. We lose. We lose the “dream.” We believe we are diminished.

But, perhaps it was the wrong dream? Or, not MY dream? Or maybe there was something else… all along.

…That the audience and judges (and the other 80,000,000 views of this video) discover as Susan becomes her Dream.

Infidelity Turning Points

There are turning points in infidelity. shifts do happen!

Here are some comments from a couple folks who share with you their turning points:

It has been three years since my husband’s affair. Looking back, I can see that we have come a long way from then. However, the pain is still very real. My discovery in the beginning of the different types of affairs really was important to me so that I could have understanding into why anyone would be able to go outside the marriage. It helped me to separate his responsibility from my own. Another turning point recently has been that I realize that we alone are responsible for healing our own pains. I tend to care more for his feelings and pains and tend to give until I’m empty. Learning to set boundaries on my own limitations so I can experience life through my own eyes and my own experiences has given me a new outlook and hope for the future. Although I live most of my life in the middle, I still have moments of highs and lows. It’s tough, but I hope one day all this endurance of pain will pay off in some way or another.

The turning point was when I finally decided that I could go it alone. The affair ended and we have pretty much repaired that part of our marriage. The hurt was very deep, but I don’t dwell on it the way I used to. But knowing that I was worth something on my own helped. The site helped me to gain perspective and just a place to go when things were insane.

Infidelity Support: Infidelity Chat Room

Many find the chat room a place of healing and comfort. If you find it helpful to talk through your concerns, want to feel that you are not alone and are looking for some friends, Please try out the chat room.

Here are some comments by chat room visitors:

1. List 2-3 ways the Chat Room has played a significant part in your “recovery.”

1. I am able to tell people who understand how I feel in a safe,distant, but compforting and friendly place. 2. I found that I have advice too, and helping someone else makes me feel good.

I am the WS and its good to hear BS’s feelings. My BS is also a memeber and we go into chat together, so people can see R is possible. I thank god for the chat room, when I ‘took off’ ,u H had a place to talk to people in the same situation.

reassurance that im not going crazy, other people in my shoes, and suppory in recovering my marriage

I can say exactly what is on my mind. The people know the pain I am going through

gives me a place for a group therapy session gives an outlet with those who have experienced the same level of pain and agony that I am going though provides hope with those who have survived

2. What are a couple pieces of advice you would give a newbie to the Chat Room?

1. Be open and honest. The people in the chat room are friendly and care. They will become your friends if you allow them to. 2. Never be angry or judgmental in the room, everyone in there on either side of the fence is hurting and needs/wants help.

R is a long process, forgivness plays a big part in the recovery. Vent all you want, we’re here to sipport you.

There are people here from both sides, listen and dont be afraid to share even your dark

Speak freely and say exactly how you are feelingthoughts

do not be afraid to tell your story, everyone here is or has walked in your shoes