Infidelity and Toleration Awareness

I asked my Newsletter readers to list the top 5 things they tolerate or put up with as they face infidelity. Writing down, putting a name on your turmoil and fears often is a beginning step in creating emotional distance from the pain and then … [Continue reading]

The Extramarital Affair: When doing Everything Isn’t Enough

You may have a bag full of tricks and skills that you have learned or are in the process of learning. The infidelity or extramarital affair is right before you. Its ugliness stares you in the face. And, you are determined to fight it, to save … [Continue reading]

After the affair Revelations – the Blame Game

I usually caution people in accepting blame for the affair of their spouse. Sometimes, I must say to them, "No, you did not make him/her do this. S/he is responsible for his/her decisions and actions. It's very easy to believe that you did not do … [Continue reading]