Tolerating Infidelity: What is REALLY Bad?

How much does a person tolerate or put up with concerning the destructive behavior of a cheating spouse? There is no clear cut answer. However, I use some guidelines. Look at three factors: 1. How frequent is the destructive behavior? 2. How … [Continue reading]

Infidelity Chat Room

The infidelity chat room has been and continues to be a place where those coping with infidelity in their marriage or relationship find crucial support and encouragment. Sleepless nights are productively spent sometimes using this tool. I … [Continue reading]

Facing Infidelity NOT Alone

It's an interesting fact that not much is truly known or taught about infidelity. A local church approached me to talk about the doing a series of seminars on marriage for their adults. I suggested we do a series on infidelity (of course!) The … [Continue reading]