Infidelity Chat Room

Have you been to the infidelity chat room? It may not be for everyone, but some find it a key component in recovering from infidelity. Listen to what some chat room users say: 1. List 2-3 ways the Chat Room has played a significant part in your … [Continue reading]

Infidelity: Confronting and Spying on the Other Person

Some use confronting the other person to spy and gain information for the future, as in this case study: 1. What was your purpose for confronting the OP and what did you say/do? Called him in his far-away city. Purpose: Record conversation for … [Continue reading]

Infidelity: Stopping the Affair with Confrontation

This case study on confronting the other woman contains important principles in stopping an affair with confrontation: 1. What was your purpose for confronting the OP and what did you say/do? I wanted the OP to hear, from me, that we'd both … [Continue reading]