Confronting Infidelity: Beginning to Find Strength

There is often no obvious game plan when confronting infidelity and the other person. Confrontation often depends on the kind of affair a person faces and other factors. Confronting the other person can be a beginning point, for discovering one's … [Continue reading]

Confronting the Other Woman: A Nightmare of Co-dependency

Confronting the other woman may create a nightmare, as this person discovered. Also the issue of co-dependency is broached. 1. What was your purpose for confronting the OP and what did you say/do? Actually, I did not confront her, but forced my … [Continue reading]

Confronting the Other Woman: Game of Uproar

Confronting the other woman may trigger the game of uproar. Case Study: 1. What was your purpose for confronting the OP and what did you say/do? On the day I found out had made a phone call to a number my husband had called several times the … [Continue reading]