Confronting the Other Woman: Live and Learn

Life is a journey. I know, a trite cliche. How about: We never "arrive." As long as there is breath in the lungs we soak up the events and emotions of life, respond internally and externally to them and learn. Each crisis, such as infidelity, … [Continue reading]

Coping with Infidelity Means Putting Up With Less

We tend to put up with or tolerate a great deal in life. Too much, in reality. And, part of creating a healthy life and life-style is putting up with and tolerating less. When infidelity raises it's head, tolerating raises to another level. … [Continue reading]

The Challenge of Infidelity

Surviving infidelity is the first step. Once you are past the survival mode, an awareness kicks in of the myriad of issues, emotionally powerful issues, that confront you. The realization that your life will never be the same descends. Read … [Continue reading]