Overcoming Infidelity: Another Chance

Overcoming infidelity takes time. I often say 2-4 years if a person on couple wants to work through the impact of infidelity effectively and design a new life and relationship. How to cope with infidelity when the cheating spouse "comes back home" … [Continue reading]

Infidelity and Recession

Had a friend email me this this AM: Domestic surveillance is off 75%. The people who do the surveillance say people can't afford affairs. And, people are doing their own snooping by checking their blackberry's, emails, etc. Fancy dinners out … [Continue reading]

How to Recover From Infidelity

Below are a couple of examples of those who struggling to recover from infidelity dealing specifically with the "My Marriage Made Me Do It" type of affair. There are 6 other types of affairs, but this post focuses on the "Marriage Made Me Do It" … [Continue reading]