How much do you put up with? How much do you tolerate? Most are willing and somewhat able to tolerate or put up with a great deal when the affair or infidelity is first discovered. And, the reasons usually have some validity: want to spare the … [Continue reading]
Healing Infidelity: Stop the Affair?
March 2, 2009 by Leave a Comment
I just posted a new article on the possibilities of stopping an affair. Can you stop an affair? No. Can you influence an affair? Yes! And, there is a huge difference in perspective and results. Here's the new article: Healing infidelity: How to … [Continue reading]
Surviving Infidelity: Major Keys
March 2, 2009 by Leave a Comment
I released a new video. I briefly talk about the 5 keys to surviving infidelity. Take a look: More articles on Surviving the Affair can be found at: How to recover from infidelity. Surviving marital infidelity by knowing the types of … [Continue reading]