Scripting what you will say is vitally important in confronting the other person. A large percentage of my infidelity coaching with individuals is just that... developing a script that will say powerfully and without reactivity (charging neutral) … [Continue reading]
Coping with Infidelity: Types of Affairs
March 12, 2009 by 1 Comment
I outline 7 types of affairs in my ebook, "Break Free From the Affair." After thoroughly digesting the distinctions between different types of affairs, the reader feels a sense of relief and empowerment. Coping with infidelity is make … [Continue reading]
Coping with the Pain of Infidelity
March 11, 2009 by 1 Comment
I frequently go over a survey I give for those who read my Free E-course, "The Seven Killer Mistakes...that prolong the affair and your misery." It helps me learn what it is specifically that is helpful in coping with the pain of infidelity. I … [Continue reading]