Are we Raising a New Generation of Cheaters?

Saw an interesting article in USA Today a couple days ago. It was an interview with "Dr. Drew" - the TV self help guru. He was talking about our tendency to focus on Celebrities as our role models. Here's part of the problem; however - many … [Continue reading]

Coping with Infidelity When It’s Not Going Well

What happens if the cheating spouse has seemingly no intentions of admitting the affair, is not remorseful, and fails for move off course of his/her destructive path? How do you maintain yourself, keep your focus and keep the life of your family … [Continue reading]

Fighting the Infidelity Abuse: Growing Your Spirit

It is natural for most to feel as an abused victim once they discover the infidelity of their cheating spouse. Self esteem takes a tumble. Read how this person moved through this pain and attempted to reclaim her spirit. 1. What in the way of … [Continue reading]