Infidelity and Low Self Esteem, Ego and Neediness

Continuing my series on Confronting the Other Person: Let's make a couple distinctions about the types of affairs that might be helpful. Low self esteem, ego and personal needs can be viewed differently. Low self esteem as I use the phrase … [Continue reading]

Confronting the Other Woman: After 10 Years

The confrontation of the other woman in this scenario seemed like a long time in the making, but once it happened tremendous relief and power was experienced. As well it was the final cog in her decision making process of whether to stay or … [Continue reading]

Confronting the Other Person: Check Alliances First

I've read several instances where it was helpful to confront the other person if first there was some level of self disclosure by the cheating spouse about the affair. In other words, the cheating spouse was perhaps beginning to shift allegiance from … [Continue reading]