Confronting the Other Woman: Protect those Children

The scenario below describes the despicable behavior of the other woman contacing the children of the cheating husband and sharing intimate information with them. This behavior displays the arrogance, insensitivity and pathology of the other … [Continue reading]

Out of the Victim Role with the Confrontation

The discovery of infidelity often sends the wounded spouse into a tailspin thinking and believing s/he is a victim. And, beyond that, s/he often has a fantasy life of them having this perfect, hot, wonderfully romantic relationship. This exacerbates … [Continue reading]

Coping with the Affair: Loss of Control

Coping with the affair often means dealing with the reality of losing some control... perhaps much control. Your life is sent into a tailspin of confusion, fear, anger and pain. Underneath this is often the thought that you no longer can … [Continue reading]