Healing the Marriage after Infidelity: Baby Steps

Ever see the movie, "What about Bob?" Enjoyable movie that I've taken a bunch of flak for over the years... in a good way. Baby steps... remember? Sage advice really. And, how many of us in the throes of infidelity want to take "baby … [Continue reading]

Added Pages to Break Free Site

Two new pages added in the Surviving Infidelity Series on the Break Free From the Affair site. Surviving Infidelity Series: Refusing Blame and Moving on Forgiving Self Surviving Infidelity Series: Forgiveness, Managing Depression and … [Continue reading]

Found Warts in Confonting the Other Woman – Brings Closure

A common theme in contacting the other woman is: "What does she look like?" I'm struck by the power of the images we form of the other woman, without actually seeing the other woman. She's beautiful? Right? She's charming? Right? She's sexy … [Continue reading]