Infidelity Newlsetter Updates

Managing a web site, well actually a couple of them, has its tedious work. One such tedious work is archiving newsletters. I have a new content management system so it is easier, but still one of those little things that needs to be done. So, if … [Continue reading]

A Plan to Confront the Other Woman

It is important in confronting the other man or confronting the other woman to have a well thought through plan. Read this example: 1. What was your purpose for confronting the OP and what did you say/do? My husband (separated) at the time, … [Continue reading]

Healing the Marriage After Infidelty

This case study brings up a contrast in strategies in how to deal with the aftermath of infidelity or an extramarital affair. Here's the problem: the wounded spouse has a need to talk about the affair. Her ex-cheating husband wants to "move … [Continue reading]