Have you Had an Affair with Tiger?

There is a problem in our culture with hero(ine) worship. We look at that someone (usually an achiever and/or charmer) and wish we had what s/he had. Sh/e's got it and we want it. S/he's got and we don't have it and think we probably never will … [Continue reading]

Coach’s Corner – The Impasse

Case study: He as left the home after she discovered the infidelity. He initially declared he wanted a divorce, but later backed down. She is "holding the fort" together and he is basically an emotional mess. (Affair #6: I need to prove my … [Continue reading]

Do You Need Proof?

Here's the situation. A person faces a #7 affair, " I want to be close to someone.. but can't stand intimacy." The cheater in this case is often a controlled, controlling person who lives close to the vest, rarely self discloses important … [Continue reading]