Infidelity Q&A #7: Should We Have Sex?

When I pose that question in light of the fact that both people are aware of the affair and the affair is continuing. It seems a dilemma especially for the wounded spouse: "Should I continue to have sex with my partner that I know or suspect … [Continue reading]

Infidelity Q&A #6: How Do I Get Rid of the Images?

Let me start by saying, "that which you resist, usually persists." The more that you try to get rid of the images and thoughts, the more that you try to fight those disturbing thoughts and images, in essence, you give them more power. They … [Continue reading]

Judge Rules PI Not Stalking Cheating Wife

A judge in New York ruled in favor of the husband who hired a PI to follow his wife who was having an affair with their priest. The woman petitioned for a court order to prevent her from being "stalked" by the PI. The judge ruled against her, … [Continue reading]