Practical Tips on Healing the Marriage after Infidelity

Healing the marriage after infidelity is a daunting task. Read these practical tips on how to heal the marriage after the affair: 1. List 2-3 things you did to help you as a couple heal the wound. Wound STILL healing but holiday away … [Continue reading]

Types of Affairs

I identify 7 types of affairs in my ebook: Break Free From the Affair. I did a survey recently and asked my readers to identify the type of affair facing them. Here are the results of the survey: My Marriage Made Me Do It … [Continue reading]

Healing the Marriage After Infidelity

Read what my readers say helped them, or is helping them, repair and heal their marriage after infidelity: >>>>>Huges, a lot of hugs, no kissing or touching just hugs. Write letters to each other. >>>>>Accountability; we both are held accountable … [Continue reading]