Archives for December 2009

Coach’s Corner – The Impasse

Case study:

He as left the home after she discovered the infidelity. He initially declared he wanted a divorce, but later backed down.

She is “holding the fort” together and he is basically an emotional mess. (Affair #6: I need to prove my desirability.”) He non-verbally expresses guilt and “freezes” emotionally when together.

She wants to save the marriage and has been a pursuer, trying to get him to “open up.”

He appears to be overwhelmed by her verbosity, her questions and her need to have him end the affair and come home.

Suggestions: The strategy is to make short but powerful, non-threatening comments that initiate movement in the relationship. She can make short, concise meta comments: “We are stuck.” “This is awful for both of us, is is not?” I wonder how this will end?” “I wonder when our pain will fade…” “This is a long painful process for both of us.”

Make the comments, back away and observe the response. Notice any shifts or movement.

Do You Need Proof?

Here’s the situation.

A person faces a #7 affair, ” I want to be close to someone.. but can’t stand intimacy.”

The cheater in this case is often a controlled, controlling person who lives close to the vest, rarely self discloses important aspects of his/her life.

The spouse senses that something is not right in the relationship, but is fearful of confronting the cheating spouse with his/her inklings.

The cheating spouse had an affair 3 years previously and when confronted, denied and minimized the concern. The spouse who was confronting began to doubt his/her concerns and felt a little crazy for even bringing it up.

This time it’s three years later and the spouse wants ammunition before confronting her husband, who is involved again with the same person. She’s read love text messages and has viewed phone records but believes she needs more “proof” before confronting him.

This may be a viable strategy considering the history and type of affair.