If your spouse is having an affair and you want to confront the other person with the intent of having him/her understand your situation, you probably will be greatly dissappointed. The other person typically doesn’t care about you or your children, your pain or your situation.
Also, it is important to give thought to what outcome you want from the confrontation. Those who impulsively confront the other person do not find the confrontation fruitful.
A hint: when confronting the other person, do not ask questions. Make statements.
Here are examples of those who did not consider the above facts and found the confrontation less than helpful:
Confrontation #1:
1. What was your purpose for confronting the OP and what did you say/do?
My purpose was to get the other person to see me as a person too, someone she was hurting. I also wanted her to know that I knew what was going on. I responded to text messages she sent my significant other asking her politely to leave us alone.
2. What happened? What was the outcome?
She ignored my request, nothing happened.
3. If you were to do it again, would you do it differently? What did you learn?
I probably would not have even sent the text messages, she didn’t care. I learned that the other person is immature and self absorbed.
Confrontation #2:
1. What was your purpose for confronting the OP and what did you say/do?
getting some clarity to the situation – i found them the night before, she was my friend and i wanted answers as to why a friend would do this to me and hear her side of the story
2. What happened? What was the outcome?
she wouldn’t talk to me, was very cocky and sure of herself and said she would talk to me that evening but not at that moment and please leave. as i was shaking coz i was so upset i did leave. an hour later she text me and said she wasn’t about to get into a battle with me, there was nothing to say, it was all my fault and don’t contact her ever again.
3. If you were to do it again, would you do it differently? What did you learn?
if i was to do it again i would have refused to leave until i got answers or at least made her squirm a bit. i was far too respectful of her wishes and not enough about my own. however long term i dont think its helpful in any way to interact with that person seeing as they obviously have no thought about you — if i a friend is going to do that to you then they aren’t worth talking to are they
Confrontation #3:
1. What was your purpose for confronting the OP and what did you say/do
I wanted to let her know how badly their affair was hurting me and that I took care of his mom.
2. What happened? What was the outcome?
She was nice and said she would stop seeing him, they didn’t stop though.
3. If you were to do it again, would you do it differently? What did you learn?
I’ve done it numerous times, when I reach the end of my rope. I hear about them from friends and get so raged I call her. I would not do it differently